
College Vs Trade School Research Paper

Decent Essays

I am an engineer. I was in highschool once and didn’t know how to school myself. I would ask myself and others, should I go to trade school or to college. Somehow, nobody’s help actually helped me because they weren’t engineers and didn’t have the perspective i was looking for. So i went to the internet for help. i searched anywhere from, “ trade school vs. college’ to “ Where should i go if i want to have the best schooling for engineering”. I couldn't find any help, any real help at least. So i decided that i will ask people from all around my field if they would write review on how they became the engineer they are now and how they chose their schooling.

It is important for high schoolers to know where to go after high school. I remember …show more content…

I would like for engineers who went to either trade school or college to write a review telling ; which schooling you took, how you were able to pay, how well you believe they taught, if it was worth the money, how you were able to get a job after schooling, pros and cons of the schooling you chose, and simply what recommendations you have on schooling. For example if you went to a trade school, state if you went for one or more trades. Tell how trade school and college are different and how many years you went for. Tell how you decided which was the best path to take and if you regret only going to trade school and not pursuing more degrees for the long run. Is graduating from trade school the same as graduating from a college? Is it bad for people to go to trade school instead of college? Some of the reviews I read said that going to a trade school is looked down upon. You can tell on how your family supported you and if you were looked down upon or not. Also i would like to believe that it would be very helpful to state how much your annual wage is and what kind of job you do. Is your job what you expected it to be? Is it harder? What did you have to do to get where your are. Did you have any help? If you did how did you know where to go and how did their help work for

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