
Colonization Of The New World

Decent Essays

1. What fundamental factors drew the Europeans to the exploration, conquest, and colonization of the New World? What was the impact on the Indians, Europeans, and Africans when each of their previously separate worlds “collided” with one another? What caused the shift from indentured servant to African slaves as the dominant labor force in the southern colonies? As early as the fifteenth century, Europeans began to become eager to discover the New World that was unknown to them. With the concerns of rapid population growth, commerce, new learning, and the rise of competing for nation states, they set out for new adventures and discovery. For a long time, Spain and Portugal were the only European powers with New World colonies. The Europeans were originally unaware that the Americas even existed. Explorers had accidentally landed on North America centuries before the discovery of the New World. Christian Crusaders played an important role in the indirect discovery; they wanted to have the goods that they had no previous knowledge of. One of the most important reasons they decided to explore further was in result of the contination of growth Europeans were undergoing. With the help of maritime trade between the East and the West, they were able to expand their trading. Plenty of goods were brought over to the Europeans with the trading route of the Silk Road. These goods included silk, medicine, spices, animals, and much more as time carried on like perfume. Through this

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