
Colour Blindness : Color Blindness

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All you need to know on colour blindness

In spite of the name, colour blindness isn’t a form of blindness but a defect in the way that your eyes interpret colour. With this particular problem, you’ll find yourself having trouble when it comes to telling the difference between certain colours such as blue and yellow or more commonly red and green. Colour blindness, or colour vision deficiency as it’s sometimes known, is inherited and tends to affect more males than females. According to the Prevent Blindness America association, it’s estimated that roughly 8% of men and less than 1% of women have colour vision trouble. The red and green colour deficiency is by far the most common form of colour blindness. The blue and yellow colour …show more content…

This will all depend greatly on the type of colour vision problem they have. If you’ve suddenly developed a form of colour blindness despite previously having the ability to distinguish all colours then we strongly advise you see an eye doctor immediately. A sudden or gradual loss of colour vision could indicate any number of underlying health problems with cataracts being just one example.

More often than not, colour blindness occurs as a result of light-sensitive cells within the retina failing. They fail to respond properly to different varieties of wavelengths of light that ordinarily would allow people to distinguish an array of different colours. Photoreceptors within the retina are known as cones and rods with rods being more plentiful; there are approximately 100 million rods within each human retina). Rods are also much more sensitive to light however they’re incapable of perceiving colour. There are roughly 6 to 7 million cones in the human retina and it’s the cones that are responsible for seeing colour. These photoreceptors are all located in the very central part of the retina that’s known as macula. The centre of the macula is known as the fovea, measuring a mere 0.3mm in diameter. It contains an extremely high concentration of cones, the highest concentration within the retina in fact and it’s this area of cones that are solely responsible for our most acute colour vision. If colour blindness has been inherited, it’s

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