
Columbine Shooting Research Paper

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One of the nation’s most fatal shootings. The Columbine Massacre “ranked as one of the worst mass shootings in U.S history as well as one of the deadliest episodes of school violence (Library, par. 6).” Twelve students and one teacher were killed, and twenty-three others were incapacitated. It still remains a mystery as to why Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris went on a murderous rampage on that despicable day but the truth remains. The Columbine Massacre was and still is a day many will never forget.
Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were normal teenagers, who did what normal teenagers did. They both came from solid homes, with both of their parents together and older brothers. They similarly had jobs at the same pizza parlor, enjoyed playing video …show more content…

9),” while also researching how to make bombs. “They amassed an arsenal, which eventually included guns, knives, and 99 explosive devices (Rosenberg, par. 10).” On April 20, 1999 at 11:10 a.m. on a Tuesday Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold did the unthinkable and the most unbelievable thing no one thought they would do. They arrived at Columbine High School with a different agenda. The plan on killing as many people as they could using bombs and shotguns. The massacre lasted for about forty-seven minutes. Law enforcement took a long time to rescue students and staff as they were making sure everything was alright in the building, since no one saw or knew that Eric and Dylan shot themselves. “Five hours passed before law enforcement declared the school under control (Library, par. 5).”
The question remains: What caused these boys to do what they did? Were they depressed? Did they have issues no one knew about? Were they mentally-ill? Were they picked on and bullied? Why would they come into a school and kill innocent children? Why would they kill my child? Why didn’t they go and get help? I could only imagine the hurt and the pain parents and loved ones felt when they heard the news. The only thing you can think about is what could I have done to prevent this? Could we have left the house a little …show more content…

This shooting made people pay more attention to their children and their behavior. Now there are more departments in schools that focus on children with special needs. For those who do not have special needs there are school counselors you can go a talk to. The issues of children feeling like they are outcasts are now being addressed as opposed to ignoring a lonely child who has no friends and letting them dwell in that negative mindset. If you do that you might see your child shooting up a mall because he/she didn’t have anyone to talk to and no one

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