
Columbus : Was Christopher Columbus A Villain?

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Christopher Columbus was a villain, he was cruel and violent and should never be classified as a hero. Columbus was conceited and selfish, he had enslaved millions of Native Americans, and he had been brutal and violent to the Native Americans, in which were peaceful and nice to him and his crew. Columbus shouldn’t have the right to be excused from his crimes and celebrated for only his glories. He was inhumane and a barbaric leader, explorer, and person. Columbus was a terrible person and should be known as a villain. The Europeans had became greedy and selfish. They had become reliant on the native Americans to do everything for them. They had made them do necessary tasks that they could have done themselves, but chose not too. They had made them carry them when they didn’t want to walk, feed them, fan them,carry their hammocks,etc. They had become conceited, thinking they were too “royal” to do anything for themselves. They had made the Native Americans slaves and servants to their every bidding no matter the circumstance. They had become puppets to the Europeans and they controlled the Natives and forced them to do whatever they wanted. They had made the Natives lose their dignity and sink so low by making them complete their every request. The Natives had been worn down and degraded to be known as nothing to the Europeans but servants and people who they could call to do something for them. Countless Natives had died because of what the Europeans had brought to them

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