
Communication In Health And Social Care Case Study

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Communication Needs
The role of the nurse in the healthcare setting is to be supportive, informative, advocate and help patient through their treatment journey through the use of language- verbal and non-verbal.
In the case of Lawrence, it is evident that the adult-child aspect of transactional model of communication (Berne ) used by the nurse with her being in control did not enhance effective communication hence ignoring his physiological, psychological and socio-cultural needs. This was portrayed in her response to his question, “you will be fine” and being dismissive all the time.
De Vito (2001) in McCabe et all (2017, pg 45) stated that, mental interference such as preconceived ideas, wandering thoughts, biases, prejudice, closed mindedness and extreme emotionalism could affect communication. Mr Lawrence was greatly affected by the thoughts of his mum dying of …show more content…

Riley (2017 pg 8) continues to say that, empathy is a dangerous notion if it’s thought to be a mindless, experimental, existential connectedness….whereas some patient encounter may require empathy; some will just be theory or experience. Contextualising empathy is therefore is difficult.
In reference to the case study, empathy could have be used to ensure a better understanding of Mr Lawrence concerns by actively listening to him with genuine understanding, keeping positive body posture, showing emotional concerns towards his feelings and not discounting them, maintaining direct eye contact at all times, nodding or asking relevant questions all goes to endorse empathy and generate the feeling of worth. This would help him develop understanding of his own situation and reduce is anxiety and

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