
Communism In Karl Marx's Animal Farm

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Over the years, many countries have fallen into communism, with leaders who wanted to be in total power and control of the countries they were ruling. Communism, a political theory brought to light by Karl Marx, is the idea of every person in a country being equal in the sense that everyone has what they need and only what they need. Many communist leaders fall into a way of ruling that is very narcissistic and beneficial only to themselves. Having this power meant being the only one to express what they perceive as normal, with any other voices being silenced using fear or even violence. We should start to worry about the state of our governments or other power systems when someone begins to take total power over everything by silencing other …show more content…

Their past leader, Old Major, has gained their trust so he is able to guide them through conflicts. Old Major does not try to silence the voices of the other animals, yet still has total power because of his presence as an effective leader. The pigs first start to take power when seeing an opportunity to take over after the original “leader” of the farm, Old Major, dies. Since the pigs are seen as the smartest, the responsibilities of “teaching and organising the others fell naturally upon the pigs” (5), automatically getting rid of any opportunity for the other animals to take control in any way. The pigs immediately gain all the responsibilities regarding what the animals can or cannot have. When one of the horses asks if sugar will continue to be produced on the farm, Snowball, one of the pigs, replies that the farm has “no means of making sugar” and that the horses will have “all the oats and hay [they] want” (6) even though that’s not what was asked. The pigs are not only in charge of what the animals can and cannot have, but they also decide how Animal Farm will be run. After three months without Old Major on the farm, the pigs “succeeded in reducing the principles of Animalism to Seven Commandments” (8). These commandments restrict many human tendencies, including “no animal shall wear clothes” and “no animal shall sleep in a bed” (13). The pigs do not want Animal Farm to include anything involving humans, therefore banning anything tying to human

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