
Communist Union And The Soviet Union

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In the past, nations have decided to run their counties under a command economy, or “an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government.” Command economies are more prevalent in developing countries, like on the continents of Africa and Asia. North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Myanmar, and Liberia currently have command economies and the Soviet Union and China used to have one. In the past, many countries including the Soviet Union attempted to implement command economies that would later fail. As a result, most of the current countries using them are beginning to make reforms to leave their command economies behind, like Mikhail Gorbachev’s glasnost, or political transparency, and perestroika, also known as economic restructuring, in the 1980’s (Dewdney). The Soviet Union officially collapsed in December 1991, ending the long-standing communist rule under a command economy in Russia and its satellite countries for good.
There were many oppressive elements to the Soviet Union during their almost 70-year reign over Russia and its surrounding countries. The communist political system and the command economy were both highly centralized. The economy was based on the idea that the all means of production, distribution, and exchange were controlled by the government, plans that were set in place by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin’s five-year plans that set goals for all forms of production (Dewdney). Unlike in a market economy, consumers

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