
Community Policing in Extremely Depressed Areas Essay

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To residents of the suburbs, all economically distressed districts of the city may seem dangerous and threatening, however, to residents of these poor districts, it is just home. The local residents know the truly crime-ridden areas of each district. This essay will refer to these crime-ridden areas within poor communities as "hot spots" or "skid-row". Skid-row is generally an area of the economically distressed community that is plagued with vagrants, criminals, drug abusers and other individuals thought to be of exile from normal society (Bittner, 1967). This is an area where law abiding, poor citizens do not wish to venture (Bittner, 1967). Due to this stigma, skid-row is an area that is patrolled by police, who generally …show more content…

If the officers were to act in more of a law enforcement capacity, their role would not inspire the same amount of discretion. They would not turn a blind eye and in fact would effect more arrest for crimes committed. In areas such as skid-row types environments, with high crime rates it is more practical to employ discretion and keep the peace then to arrest for every minor violation (Bittner, 1967).

According to Bittner (1967), police agencies employ a method of containment to manage skid-row areas. They use their discretion to determine which laws should be rigidly enforced, in turn allowing for a certain amount of criminal activities to continue to occur within that specific community (Bittner, 1967). The officer may turn his back to some instances of prostitution or drug use, however will keep a careful watch on the situation so as not to allow the criminal activities to migrate to other areas of the community (Bittner, 1967). Officers specifically assigned to skid-row areas, will develop relationships with the individuals in their communities. They will begin to know the individuals in the community; their criminal habits; their associates; and their routines (Bittner, 1967). This working relationship, coupled with the officers’ use of discretion in enforcing certain laws, will often lead to a quid pro quo type of relationship (Brown, 1981). The individuals may give the officer

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