
Compare And Contrast Han China And Imperial Rome

Decent Essays

Rising up from a previously collapsed empire is not an easy thing to do. But in Europe and Asia two empires did just that. Han China (206 B.C.E.-220 C.E.), and Imperial Rome (31 B.C.E.-476 C.E.), rose despite the odds. From the similar social classes, powerful emperors, and technology, to the different political ranks, religious balance, and forcefulness, both places were very successful. There were many similarities and differences in how they governed their prosperous empires.
Han China and Imperial Rome were very similar in the ways they had their social classes configured, the power the emperors had to govern, and what technological advances they made. Both empires had certain social classes that set a citizen's place in society. Each empire had an ‘upper class’ to help the …show more content…

The government was made up of these classes, making it easy to rule them. Lower classes, such as the plebeians and farmers/servants, were then told what to do by the superior class above them. The emperor’s power was also similar in each empire. Wu, the emperor of Han China expanded his empire and in doing that created the foundations of the Silk Road, which later led to more cultural expansion for the empire. In Imperial Rome, Octavian expanded the empire and increased trade throughout. Increasing their empire’s boundaries helped the government continue to grow in size. In this way, both of these empires were similar to the Gupta Empire. All three locations controlled large territories and administered them. Lots of useful resources lay in all of the empires mentioned, as well as beneficial trade routes, created by the government. Both empires also made many advances in technology. While expanding their empires, the Han and Rome each created thousands of miles of roads. These roads helped move armies and connect

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