
Compare And Contrast Han China And Imperial Rome

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The Han Dynasty and the Imperial Rome were one the most powerful empires in history. In there long reigns they both achieved great accomplishments. Although the two empires they have similarities in religious views ,militarism, and advances in engineering they also shared different views on bureaucracy,social and gender relations.

Religion wasn’t a major focus for the empires till later. With considering Confucianism more as a philosophy than a religion. Both empires focused on rituals. They were more focused on building loyalty the thought of everybody believing in the same thing brought unity. That mentality would fall apart with the rise of Buddhism in the Han dynasty and Christianity in Rome. The acceptance of these religions wasn’t easy. They were followed by years of wars and divisions but they were later accepted and became the major religions of the empires.

Military was almost fundamental to growth the of the empire's. Both had an advanced military and relied heavily on them they could go long distances and able to won easily throughout history. An example would be Rome’s triumphs over Carthage and the defeat of Xiongu’s. Imperial Rome and the Han both emphasized territorial expansion. The more they conquered the more expenses they would have to go through such border control which …show more content…

The Han dynasty tried to interpret confucian thoughts to fit the needs of the elite and even raising their status. The Han dynasty bureaucracy was far more sophisticated bureaucracy then Imperial Rome’s it relied heavily on the elites and slave labour. It was founded on Roman Law. It had a much greater emphasis on law codes even the emperors were follow to the law code. An example would be an emperor wanting to marry his niece so he changed the law so everyone can marry their nieces. The two governments were different in many way but there were successful in their

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