
Compare And Contrast Iroquois Constitution And Us Constitution

Decent Essays

America is considered to have two constitutions, the modern one used today, and the old constitution it was based off of. The Constitution of the Iroquois is the basic structure of the present American Constitution. Though the Iroquois Constitution is the base US Constitution they are very different. The Iroquois Constitution is older, with older values and writing style. Even though the present American Constitution is not modernized to today’s exact principles, it still contains the ideal values the United States is known for.
Overall, “royal” rulings from the multiple tribe leaders and the fact that elected councilmen or officials can be stripped of all power if they lie in the Iroquois Constitution contrasts to the US Constitution because …show more content…

In the modern day American Constitution it states in different sections, all elected to take up office or council, the power of one can do is limited.
In the Iroquois Constitution the council of chiefs have unlimited power. They have overrule of all, even to those elected to be part of council and “president.” Though there is one law said to be given to them by God that all must abide by, one can not lie. If anyone, especially one of power such as an elected official, is caught in a lie they are stripped of all power by the Chiefs. It is uncertain of the consequences to the chiefs, if they are caught in a lie.

The US Constitution is relevant to all those living, or citizens to, in the United States. Despite the constitution being for all, there are age limits to those running for office or council. It is established this way to prevent those who do not have the life experience, or are naive to hold office or council. This rule in the US Constitution contrasts to the old constitution because the Iroquois Constitution does not have a known written age limit. It suggests that anyone who is elected can be of power. This fact lead to a comparison to the two constitutions, both have the people of power elected by people to which belong to the nation(s). Both of them hold another similarity the two constitutions both have an elected “president” to unite the nation(s). Though the Iroquois elected president is elected to unite the five nations, instead of the country like the US

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