
Compare And Contrast Marxism On Social Class

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The Marxism theory views society as being in conflict between the ruling classes and working classes which is entirely beneficial for the ruling classes. The Marxism theory of social class will be outlined and then compared and contrasted with the Postmodernism and Functionalism theories on social class.

The Marxist perspective views society as capitalist based and with two classes: The bourgeoisie who are the ruling class that have power of influence and own and control the land, means of production and capital. The ruling class control and exploit the working class proletariat who do not have any influence, own or control land, the means of production or capital. The result is continual conflict as the proletariat is reliant on the …show more content…

Functionalism also believes society is meritocratic and with a value consensus in which there is agreement with society’s norms, values and hierarchical system, and therefore harmonious. This perspective conflicts with the Marxist theory of conflict and inequality as Functionalism states that we as a society with the value consensus theory agree with the inequality of wealth and power, and that positions in society such as teachers, doctors and charity fundraisers compared to bankers, politicians and royalty are rewarded fairly upon society agreement which is …show more content…

“A wider distribution of wealth due to globalization has resulted in class mobilization with changing politics to reflect changing society based on non-class issues such as women’s rights and more recently human rights” Pakulski & Waters, (1966). This means that Postmodernism discount the Functionalism and Marxism explanations for social inequality based on class as being out of date and not relevant in today’s society.

Functionalism differs to the Postmodernism and Marxism comparison that holds the view that the information fed to society by the media, government and education system is edited and controlled. Functionalism believe the information being fed is due to the value consensus of agreement in society, however Postmodernism believe it is due to the individual choice of the institution to boost capitalism and personal objectives and Marxism to instil bourgeoisie enforced norms and values.

Postmodernism believe that we live

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