
Compare And Contrast Mussolini And Stalin

Decent Essays

There were many important leaders in World War II, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler and three very popular men. Mussolini; driven by conflict, Stalin; exiled to Siberia, and Hitler; Nazi leader. In many ways they are all alike but also very different. Benito Mussolini was born on July 29, 1883 in Doula Di Predapplo, Italy. He was driven by the spirit of conflict. As many can imagine he was a bully. He spent his childhood as a restless and disobedient child. He was Italy’s youngest prime minister ever, he soon became a dictator. Joseph Stalin was born in Guri, Georgia on December 18, 1878. In 1912 he took the alias of “Stalin” from the Russian word “Stal” which means “steel”. His first arrest ever was in 1902, he was then sent to exile in Siberia in 1903. He soon escaped; from 1902 to 1913 he was arrest seven times for evolutionary activity. …show more content…

He was an army corporal in World War I; he became Germany’s chancellor fifteen years later. As a child he had trouble focusing in school, sadly both his parents died before he was nineteen. He mother died when he was eighteen and his father when he was thirteen. In 1920 he changed the National German Workers’ Party to the word N.A.Z.I which stands for Nationalsozialist National Socialist. Hitler ran for president in 1932 in Germany. He invaded Poland on September 1, 1939; he started the Holocaust in 1941. The Holocaust was a traumatic event not just for the Jewish Religion but also for many others. Imagine living life as a Jew in the 1940s. Living every day in fear, even if you were not living life in a concentration camp, you were living in hiding and in fear. Life in a concentration camp was terrifying, Jews would go to take a shower or so they thought and then hear a lock. Now they have to wait for their death as gas is leaked into the chambers. Hitler was one of the most ruthless leaders in World War

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