
Compare And Contrast Sunni And Shiites

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In the year 610, Muslims believe that Allah began to reveal the Quran to Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad spend the next twenty years of his life spreading the teaching of Islam with his faithfully companions, Abubakar, Umar, Osman, and Ali. He was successfully unified the Arabian Peninsula under the banner of Islam. Muhammad died without naming a successor, which lead to division among the umma, Islamic community. The political issue on who should be Prophet Muhammad’s successor transformed throughout time into the two main sects of Islam, Sunni and Shiite Islam, and shaped the history of the Islamic world.
The split among the umma began with selecting Muhammad’s successor. Prophet Muhammad didn’t name as successor before his passing, so the umma …show more content…

Shiites reject the first three Caliphs of Islam, and consider Ali to be the first Imam. Sunni accept the four rightly guided Caliphs. An Imam in the Shiites narratives can only come from the prophet’s bloodline, and has a special ability of interpreting the Quran that normal people cannot do. This narrative further perpetuates the Shiite Ideology that only those who carry the prophet’s blood in their veins should lead the umma. Sunni think of an Imam as one who leads a prayers. Sunnis highly respect Aisha, prophet Muhammad’s wife, for her contribution in verifying Hadiths. Shiites think lowly of Aisha because of the rebellion she started against Ali. Both Sunnis and Shiites believe in the Hadiths, but Hadiths accepted by Sunni or Shiite vary base on the sects narrative. Some Shiites pray three times a day instead of five. They combine zuhr and asr into one namaz and maghrib and Isha into another. Shiites find this to be permissible and do it because of time …show more content…

Shiite Muslims heavily supported Abbassid Revolution. The continued discontent with the Umayyad allowed Abu Muslim, a mawli from Khorason, to raise the black banner in rebellion, just as prophet Muhammad did against the Meccans. The Shiites joined the Abu Muslim because they were told that one of Prophet’s Muhammad’s relative would replace the Ummayyds. The Shiites were hoping for Hussayn’s son; However, the Abbasid revolution brought a descendant of Muhammad’s uncle Abbas. The Abbassid Revolution shows the tremendous power a sectarian identity used to overthrow a

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