
Compare And Contrast The Articles Of Confederation Economy Under The Constitution

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There were many differences in regards to economy under the Articles of the Confederation and the Constitution. In the Articles of the Confederation, the main source of revenue came from contributions from individual states, alternately in the Constitution, Congress had the power to raise money without relying on individual states. In the Articles of Confederation, money could be coined but Congress did not have the power to levy taxes or regulate commerce. In contrast under the Constitution, paper money could not be issues however, taxes could be levied. Under the Confederation there was no president or judiciary system, under the Constitution there were both. Each state under the Articles of Confederation was not governed by a political power they each retained their sovereignty. The Constitution addressed these issues. Both the Constitution and the Articles of the Confederacy allowed for the declaration of war, and leaving education up to each state. …show more content…

Per some leaders, the economy depended on farmers having access to this land. However, selling the land would also generate great revenue. An influx of people migrated west. Land ordinances were drafted to deal with the sale of western land. A section of land could be bought for $640. The problem was that most people could not afford that price, their only option was to buy land from speculators and land companies; much smaller plots of land. Congress ended up selling large areas of land to private groups, and this led to the public outcry about the high cost of government-owned land; leading eventually to the Homestead Act of

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