
Compare And Contrast The Democratic Party And The Republican Party

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The Democrat and the Republican Party are the two major political parties in the United States. Presidents have almost always been selected from one of these parties, and these parties take up the majority of Congress. This is where the similarity between the two parties ends. The Democrats have typically taken more liberal views, while the Republicans tend to be more conservative. This leads to a lot of disagreement on the subject of legislature. The Democrats have been known to support more liberal causes, such as reproductive rights and marriage equality, while Republicans, also referred to as the GOP, favor more conservative stances, such as lower tax rates, gun ownership rights, and free trade agreement between foregin countries (“Political”). On the subject of National Defense, Republicans favor a strong military and a reduction of immigration. Democrats also favor a strong military, but the Democratic Party feels that the citizens of our own country should be secured before the people in foreign countries (“Political”). Democrats support a universal healthcare system, such as the healthcare systems in place in Europe and Canada, while Republicans oppose it (“Political”). The use of clean energy is very important to the Democratic party (“Our Party”). …show more content…

The Democratic platform promises to raise teaching standards and reward good teachers, but very little is said about the money situation. Neither party has promised to allow more money in the federal budget for education, yet both of them agree that education is important. Republicans support a government-run economy, and they believe that small businesses are very important to the US economy (“Republican”). Democrats favor a laissez-faire economy, with supply and demand. They believe that the government should, for the most part, stay out of the economy and it would certainly not be running

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