
Compare And Contrast The Other Wes Moore

Decent Essays

The Other Wes Moore is a book about two people with the same name but different lives. Both Wes’s had a few similar experiences and a few different experiences as they were growing up. The author Wes Moore shows both the point of view of him and the other Wes Moore’s experiences through life. Similarities and differences pertaining to becoming a man and the education of both Moores described in The Other Wes Moore. Education was an important role in the life of both the Wes’s because each of them choose what they wanted to do in life. One big difference between the Wes and the Wes Moore is that Wes Moore didn't get pushed to do his best in school. Unlike Wes's mother that took control. She made him push through school even if Wes did not want to continue. Wes's mother did this by sending him to military school. “ Wes was finally getting accustomed to the long route, the new school, and the new environment,” (Page 97). After Wes went to military school, he joined the military soon after high school. In the end, he turned out to have a better life when he went to school and graduated. …show more content…

Wes Moore was in a neighborhood where kids do not graduate school because of the problems in the area. What ended up happening is that Wes Moore started to worse in school. At this point, Wes Moore dropped out and started his own life plan. Cense Wes Moore's family did not help him with school and push him through it made getting an education harder to achieve. So, after Wes Moore dropped out he started to sell and buy drugs. Later on, he becomes a drug dealer earning loads of cash. When Wes Moore starts all of this he starts to change into a secluded person that keeps everything to

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