
Compare And Contrast The Settlement Of New England Colonies

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Throughout the early 17th century, settlements began to form in what is now known as the New World. With a desire for commodities, the Chesapeake region became an attraction for many coming from England. The search for wealth in the Chesapeake region was from Virginia all the way down to Georgia. Furthermore, New England was a place for religious freedom where families could separate from the Anglican Church and be free of England’s demands in beliefs. From Maine to Connecticut freedom of religion was a main appeal for many to populate the colony. Many of these settlers came from the same place, England, they came with similar ideas and philosophies based upon previous experiences. Although, their intentions were entirely different based upon …show more content…

In the colony of New England, religious freedom from England was the main attraction to many who wanted to live freely. Too many times, the religion of many families was turned away and neglected which lead to a desire for an entirely new settlement where these families could live freely based upon their own philosophies. The religion of Calvinism was the main attraction; it became the theological credo of New England Puritans. Not only that but Separatists searching for a place for purified protestants found Massachusetts once they arrived off the coast of New England in 1620. According to John Winthrop, “So shall we keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace” (Doc 1). John Winthrop’s intended audience was to the people of New England and is shown by the repetition of “we” and “our” to remind them of their growth but at the same time staying true to God and being an example for the “eyes of all people”. As governor speaking to the people of New England, Winthrop demonstrates the pillar of religion that is keeping the entire colony at peace and unified. Furthermore, in the Articles of Agreement, it states that diversity and equality are what makes New England special. By having a …show more content…

These men were looking for profits, sent by England. John Smith, who took part in the founding of Jamestown, Virginia led explorations throughout Virginia with one goal in mind, wealth. After defeating the Powhatan Confederacy, efforts for economic gain were in full force. John Smith once said, “He who shall not work not eat”. The harshness and brutal attitude of English leaders shows how the value of the Chesapeake region was aimed towards wealth rather than making a place for its people. According to Captain John Smith, “There was no talk…but dig gold, wash gold, refine gold, load gold” (Doc 5). The historical context of Document 5 is to create a vivid image of what it was like to live in Virginia. Clearly, it was drastically different than New England’s way of life. In Virginia, the focus was on wealth leaving individuals with discontent. Based on the lack of settlement, the Chesapeake region was a place for the rich to become richer. Not only were the Jamestown settlers looking for gold but fertile land. They found it in the Carolinas, known as the “Bread Colonies”. The lands were perfect for tobacco growing which lead to more economic growth as seen in the nickname “cash crop”. John Rolfe, the father of the tobacco industry perfected methods of growing the crop which lead to further advances in the search for land. Unlike New England, it was a ground for profit not

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