
Compare and Contrast “the Flowers” and “a Rose for Emily” Essay

Decent Essays

Compare and Contrast “The Flowers” and “A Rose for Emily”
In comparing Alice Walker’s story “The Flowers” with that of William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily,” there are similarities and differences. The main difference in the stories is the way the characters react to the deaths. There are similarities such as the main characters of both stories personally face a dead body, both stories share the symbolism of flowers, and both present a theme of death. In “The Flowers,” Myop innocently stumbles across the remains of a lynched man after she spends a day gathering flowers in the woods behind her family’s cabin. She discovers his body by stepping “smack into his eyes.” (Walker 82) In “A Rose for Emily,” Emily loves one man, Homer Barron. …show more content…

This discovery is the end of Myop’s carefree existence; therefore, her innocence dies. Myop lays down her flowers, not only at the gravesite of the man but also at the gravesite of her childhood and her former self. The most obvious way that death is present as a theme is through the fact that Myop discovers an actual dead body in the forest. She comes to realize that all people die; some have harsh and cruel deaths. The details of the decomposing body: the eyes, teeth, and rotting clothes strengthen the theme. In the beginning from the description of Emily’s death-haunted life to the description of Emily herself, it is clear that death runs rampant for Emily. Emily is a fixture in her community, as a symbol of the south’s old dying ways. She tries to deny the fact of death at all. Her necrophilia first comes to light once her father dies. She is unable to admit that he has passed away and clings to his controlling love- the only love she knows. Reluctantly, she gives up his body. When Homer dies, she again refuses to accept it, even though she is the cause of his demise. In murdering Homer, she was able to ensure that he would never leave her. Homer and Emily’s repulsive marriage reveals Emily’s attempt to fuse life and death as one. Death ultimately conquers all. Myop and Emily were both similar and different. Myop faces a murdered body in a field and Emily physically murders someone. Flowers are used as symbolism

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