
Comparing A Raisin In The Sun And Everyday Use

Decent Essays

Greetings to you on our final week of class! It has been a journey that I’m glad I have received the chance to experience in which I learned a lot. This week I chose to compare and contrast “A Raisin in the Sun” and “Everyday Use” because they have a lot of similarities. “Everyday Use” was one of my favorite stories to write about in week’s two forum. I pretty much got a good understanding about “Everyday Use” in week two but I feel like I know this story like the back of my hand now that I compared and contrasted it with another story. I did find it hard to come up with more stuff to write about that I didn’t cover in week two. My strengths were that “Everyday Use” was one of my favorite stories to write about so I had a better idea of what I was going to elaborate on but my weakness was just writing in general along with finding the motivation to do it. Looking forward to constructive feedback! Sincerely, Franko Hunter Compare and Contrast In this final research project I choose to compare and contrast “Everyday Use” by Author Alice Walker and “A Raisin In The Sun” by …show more content…

The younger family being “A Raisin in the Sun”. The reason they came out on top was because their family as a whole learned how to grow wherever they planted. Each member move to a home on their own. Disregarding that even though white people did not want them in that location they went anyway. In “Everyday Use” it is Maggie and the mom who prevails. The mom had to learn not to back away from Dee but to stand up against her to protect Maggie and her feelings. Mom gave Maggie the blankets that grand mom made. All of that was because Maggie appreciated the blankets. Of course the story played out having Dee still far away from the family she is just an emotional wreck. It is family that make these stories similar, it just goes to show that life is not all about the

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