
Comparing Gothic Tropes In Carmilla And Bram Stoker's Dracula

Decent Essays

This essay examines the extent gothic tropes can be applied in the analysis of 19th century representations of female vampires in Le Fanu’s “Carmilla” (1872) and Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1898). This essay will explore and discuss the female characters in “Carmilla” and Dracula, emphasising their differences and similarities. It centers on the uncanny, incestuous, uncomfortably-erotic exchange of power between the old and the new woman. This essay will also discuss the temporarily abrogated in favour of tabooed deviations from the sexual norm; including homosexual relations, specifically between Carmilla and Laura, and Dracula and Harker. Lastly, this essay will explore literature typified by ruined castles, secret passageways, concealed portraits, …show more content…

For example, the pursuit of her own career. Additionally, Mina has such a strong character, even after having been attacked by Dracula, she is still herself, and fights the power and influence he has over her, so much that even Dracula seems to be afraid of her. By emphasizing Mina’s strength and talents, Stoker shows that there is no need for men to fear the views of the New Woman. Laura’s character is the portrayal of the oppressed woman. The reader receives very few details about her, seemingly having very few interests, as well as being nameless in the first half of the story. Carmilla, however, is an exaggeration of what women should strive to become. She represents the New Woman, who is trying to break free from the traditional role of the oppressed woman. Carmilla leads a life that resembles human life, living amongst humans and interacting with them, even having an intimate relationship with Laura. This strongly resembles the new woman, where they strive to live like humans, fall in love with them and live amongst them. Women were most often reserved for the role of the victim. Carmilla, in a way, takes over the part of the male, wooing Laura, and having intimate nocturnal visits, where she seemingly strokes her body and sucks her breast, instead of her

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