
Comparing Jonathan Edwards And Extreme Puritans

Decent Essays

In order to achieve effectiveness within one's writing, the author must change the way the audience views the piece. In the speeches, “A Letter from Birmingham Jail” written by Martin Luther King Jr. and “Sinners in the Hand of God” written and spoken by Jonathan Edwards, an extreme Puritan, they both dramatically affect the audience in a way that moves their perception. While scripting these pieces, both authors have to use a multitude of stylistic techniques to achieve the effect they have been longing for initially. Both King and Edwards use specific approaches to affect their audience, but in order to get a more in depth perceptive one must analyze both pieces and their techniques.
In order to fully understand why Jonathan Edwards expresses concern among the other Puritans, one must first fathom what an extreme Puritan is. During the American Revolution in the 1750’s, Jonathan Edwards, an extreme Puritan, believed that no matter what anyone did, they were still considered sinners who will eventually end up in hell. He went on to tell every Puritan that their path is straight to hell unless they join him and become an extreme Puritan. Although people attended church on Sundays, Edwards still expressed anger towards the Puritans. Obviously, an extreme Puritan like Edwards, imperative the rest of the population to follow the rules of the government in order to receive the gift of going to heaven.
Initially, Jonathan Edwards uses repetition to persuade his audience that God hates them unless they follow Edwards extreme Puritan actions. He uses repetition to embroider the thought of going to hell into all the Puritan’s minds. Edwards repeats similar phrases involving the actions of burning in hell, “The God that holds you over the pit of hell…” “...[S]ink and swiftly descend and plunge into the bottomless gulf…” (Edwards). He uses this specific strategy to move the audience's way of thinking and make them worry. By saying phrases with the same meaning but different structure, ultimately forces the audience to comprehend the announcement. Puritans began to adopt Edwards message, but they comprehend it through fearing the wrath of God. Overall, Edwards uses repetition to affectively force his way of extreme

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