
Comparing Macintyre And Virtue Ethics

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1. According to MacIntyre “practice” refers to an activity in which one does to achieve a goal. The practice could be a done for reasons such as money, pleasure, requirement, education, etc., usually to obtain a “good”. MacIntyre’s definition of practice relates to Aristotle’s “virtue ethics” because of Aristotle’s views of “telos” or “highest good”. Aristotle believes that our actions are never without purpose and that purpose is happiness. Happiness is what we seek through our everyday activities, MacIntyre also talks about having an end goal that is accomplished through activity.

2. Ethical relativism is the belief that views of what is morally “right” or “wrong” is dependent on society and cultural norms rather than a global understanding …show more content…

Our moral values can be influenced by the nation’s history, such as past wars or rulers, along with economic situations in that country or area. In India “honor killings” are considered a norm, but seen in the rest of the world as barbaric. In China couples are only legally allowed to have one child. In Africa men take multiple wives. Coming from a different culture I don’t agree with those beliefs or laws, while citizens from other cultures might find the American way of life to be bizarre and offensive. If you asked everyone in the world for what they considered to be “right” or “wrong” everyone would have different answers. I would like to live in world where everyone thought that “honor killings” were wrong and arranged marriages didn't exist. Though I believe that the rest of the world should agree the truth is that a good amount won't. We have billions of people in the world with hundreds of religions and cultures that separate us. This connects with the study of ethics because it talks about “right” from “wrong” and when we don’t have a global agreement on what those are it influences

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