
Comparing Three Chaplin Movies Essay

Decent Essays

After seeing three Chaplin films at this point in chronological order it is not hard to notice the extreme difference from the film “City Lights” to Chaplin’s earlier films “Mabel’s Predicament” and “The Pawnshop”. In terms of cinematography it is real easy to see the differences in these films. To begin the cinematography is different in that in the first two films most of the shots are wide shots and with very minimal cuts. Also the lengths of the first two films are very short “Mabel’s Predicament” is only 11 minutes long and “The Pawnshop” is 29 minutes long. The lack of cuts and the shorter runtime of the films indicate already it is of a shorter budget because the films were limited in terms of how much they could film. When comparing “City Lights” it actually is shot like a feature film you don’t have a lot of long takes with wide shots. …show more content…

City Lights in this case advances in story in comparison to the other Chaplin films. This is done through a full-length story that also has side characters and side stories woven in seamlessly. Previously in the other films the focus was primarily on the Tramp and only the Tramp. However, in City Lights we focused on the Tramp, The Blind Women, and the Rich Entrepreneur allowing for a more full-length feature film with different cohesive stories. In Ewen’s article “City Lights: Immigrant Women and the Rise of the Movies” she focuses on three early female archetypes in film. These archetypes are entitled the vamp, the gamine, and the virgin. The “Vamp” is defined as someone who is evil and a seductress who uses the male’s sympathy of her against himself. The “Gamine” is defined as having many male physical characteristics specifically short hair and also having personality traits defining them as mischievous. Finally, the “Virgin” is defined as someone who is very innocent, untainted, and pure in the eyes of

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