
Competition And Rivalry In American Blood

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Competition and rivalry is in American blood. Does competitive behavior in companies lead to better products and results? Although competition in companies could result in rushing products, actually this can produce a more diverse selection. American society is competitive in a way that positively impacts our market, causing companies to create intriguing products to satisfy the market of consumers. I believe that competition can be a good thing. For instance, there can be a greater variety of choice. Take phones for example. Phone companies compete against each other to create one phone that is better than the other. Having varying companies like Apple, Google, or Samsung will provide customers with an abundance of choice. A great alternative is to have variety than one major company. Having only one company to pick from, not just phones but food, clothing, is a little uninteresting. The competitive behavior in companies pushes forward production. Companies compete to extend their inventory and selection to create more products which consumers will buy and assist market growth. Consumers are always looking for new entities. It is always something in competitiveness that pushes people forward. The …show more content…

Being too competitive will end up in an argument or distrust between companies. A result of competition is rushed products. Take Apple for example. Apple is a technology company that sells their breaking point product, the iPhone. Consumers will just buy and buy. This is an example of a poor outcome of competition is that it is rushed. Every year the iPhone gets released and nothing much has changed. However, for some reason the public will still buy these products. An unacceptable issue with competition is that it will force companies to make their own product quicker to satisfy consumers. Therefore, companies have to rush their products in result of other companies pushing them, which may result in faulty

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