
Comprehensive Nutrition Case Study Answers

Decent Essays

1. What is the stated purpose of the policy?

Points 2/2. Your answer was to create a healthy environment for children so to prevent and reduce the prevalence of obese and overweight kids in their district. You should be careful between the purpose of the task force and the purpose of the policy. It is also stated that the purpose of the comprehensive nutrition policy was to promote healthier eating in schools and prevent future contracts being approved for the sale of unhealthy foods in schools. You could add this to your answer to make it more complete.

2. What are the specific goals/targets/outcomes of the policy? (Note, this is generally more detailed than the answer to question #1) (4 points)

Points 3.5/4. The policy specifically …show more content…

Correctly answers how and by whom will the policy be implemented. Could make the “how” answer more complete by describing that the policy was implemented as a two-year study, with 5 schools implementing the initiative and five other schools were used as controls. The school-years when the study was conducted could also be included.

7. Is the policy tied to funding that will assist in the implementation of the policy? If so, is the amount of funding adequate? (4 points)

Points 2/4. I was unable to locate on the policy pdf file where the “United States Department of Agriculture’s SNAP-Ed program” answer came from. If you got this answer from another source please cite correctly. Please disregard this comment if the answer comes from the policy pdf file. I was only able to find from the file that the policy was expanded from the pilot through federal grant funding, but as you answered, the amount of funding was not available in the pdf document.

8. What is the expected cost/benefit of implementing the policy?

Points 1.5/2. Correct answer, but could also include as part of the benefit the inclusion of a learning environment through good nutrition and physical activity with schools, parents, and students working as a

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