
Concept Of Corporate Social Responsibility

Decent Essays

The idea of a perfectly clear and all summative definition and concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been a much deliberated and controversial one. So aged has been this deliberation that Votaw and Sethi (1973) depicted it as a brilliant term; which rightfully means something, but not always the same thing to everybody. The research of Marrewijk (2013, p.95) elaborated on the intensity of this unending debate among academics, consultants and corporate executives which results in creating, supporting and criticizing of different concepts. I believe corporate social responsibility are voluntary actions by establishments, enterprise or industries towards a specified region, individuals or society within its locality of operation that yields different forms of development or growth. Such actions usually have a positive effect on the enterprise.
As always, definitions comes in contrast with other concepts and ideologies. Such is clearly enumerated by the sceptic ideals which Friedman (1962) clearly stressed: ‘Few trends would so thoroughly undermine the very foundations of free CSR society as the acceptance by corporate officials of a social responsibility other than to make as much money for their stockholders as they possibly can’ (p.134). He argued the desideratum for the existence of any other social responsibility for businessmen other than that of making maximum profits for their stockholders. If such social responsibilities are in existence, how are they

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