
Conception Of God

Better Essays

Shanece Holly
Professor Hostetter
PHIL 103-005
21 October 2014

Traditional Conception of God Who is God and does he actually exist? How do we know that God is the Creator of everything? Can man live without God? Is God as good as we were always taught to believe that He is? These four questions pulls at the heartstrings of man and must be answered before someone commits fully to any religion. In this paper, the author will share these four argumentative points proving the existence of God. This paper is not meant to offend anyone or make someone question one’s own religious views, it’s only an argument proving the existence of God.
Who is God? Who is God really? God has been described as everything from an impersonal spirit to a personal, …show more content…

The billions upon billions of stars, the planets perfectly aligned, their rotation around the sun, and the critical importance of the Sun to the earth and man. The God of the Bible is a transcendent, supreme being who brought the universe into existence. As Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Though God created the heavens and the earth, some ask, “If God created the universe, who created God?” God who is the transcendent, supreme being that he is, exists in time indefinite as such has no beginning. Nothing or no one caused God; He has always been. With a perfect Creator, our universe is perfect and intricately fine-tuned. We have the laws of gravity which are set perfectly to support life on earth and keep earth in its position. Without gravity, the earth would shift away from its orbit and either go hurling towards the sun or in the darkness of the universe. Even though some believe in the big bang theory, this is clear evidence that the two atoms “mating” did not and could not happen. It is evidence of God who created time, space, and matter. So next time one happens to look at the stars, witness a lunar eclipse, or gazing at a meteor shower, remember “The heavens are declaring the glory of God; The skies above proclaim the work of his hands.” (Ps. …show more content…

First, we must contemplate on the full extent and origin of religious desire and religious experience. From the very beginning of time, man have been extraordinarily religious. Proof of that extensive belief of religion is man’s creation of other deity’s such as gods and goddesses, who are in form of animals and women. Man has an unquenchable thirst to fully understand and to be able to walk in the light of the divine which is why they create these deity’s that they can touch and “communicate with”. Man cannot live without God or the idea of God. Saying that man could live without God is like saying that a watch could produce itself without a watchmaker. God represents eternal life, which leads man to have a desire to live eternally and persist beyond physical death. Many manmade structures such as the pyramids and towers and also ancient rituals, such as Asian ancestral worship, express the desire for a life that will never end. Another example is man’s questions about life such as, “Why am I really here?”, “What is my purpose in this world?”, “What is wrong with the world”, and “How can we fix it?” We all seek answers, want to know if wrongs would be righted, and are naturally good spirited people. Asking questions and seeking the answers is part of our human condition because we were created in the image of

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