
Concussions And Its Effects On The Nfl

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Concussions are and will continue to be an ongoing issue in almost all sports today. This is especially true in the case of football and the NFL. Concussions are considered the most common and least devastating form of traumatic brain injury someone can receive. Although concussions are considered the least serious type of brain injury they can still lead to and cause many irreversible brain diseases and in some cases people have even lost their lives because of concussions. One of these diseases is called chronic traumatic encephalopathy or better known as CTE. There have been many recent medical developments that have allowed us to learn more about the brain and things that affect it. This increased knowledge has caused unrest …show more content…

Aikman was not alone in his decision to retire early because of concussions, Merrill Hoge and others retired early. Most people know Merrill Hoge as a TV football analyst today. In one very sad case, concussions did lead to the loss of life of one former player. In 2012 Junior Seau took his own life after dealing with severe depression, which is one of the symptoms of CTE. In Seau 's will he donated his brain to research on CTE. Although, the concussion was not the cause of death for Mr. Seau, it did cause the symptoms that led to him taking his own life. The major brain disease that has caused the uproar from the players is CTE. CTE is a degenerative brain disease that results from repetitive brain trauma. The symptoms of CTE include depression, thoughts of suicide, memory loss, and aggression. The most frustrating aspect of CTE is that it can only be diagnosed after death. Prior to Junior Seau taking his own life nobody could prove he had CTE, but sure enough an autopsy revealed signs of CTE. However, advances are being made to be able to diagnose it in living patients. Even after so much damage had been done by concussions the MTBI still felt that knee and other issues were more important. The chairman was quoted saying, "concussions are a part of the profession, an occupational risk." This quote would end up being the basis for their defense against the lawsuit.

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