
Concussions: Traumatic Brain Injury

Decent Essays

Name:Chloe E.
Block: 1


It happens in an instant but the effect lasts longer. How would you feel to be in a darkroom with no electronics for two weeks? Pretty boring, don’t you think? A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head, a fall, or another injury that jars or shakes the brain inside the skull. If the blow to the head is severe enough to cause a tear of a blood vessel under the skull, this can cause an accumulation of blood that will cause the brain to become displaced [Flynn]. There are six types of concussions. The harder you hit your head the worse the injury will take to recover. [Newsela] People with concussions had thinking and memory test scores that were 25 percent …show more content…

When you have a concussion it can be hard to focus, you can have lower test scores, and every time you get a concussion you damage your brain long term more and more [Newsela]. Also, after you get one concussion you have a better chance of multiple concussions, like cognitive impairments, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and also it can cause post concussion syndrome [Flynn]. 9/10 teens who continue to show symptoms of brain injury have academic problems like headaches and bad concentration. Once you have multiple concussions you can get syndrome like cognitive impairments (MCI's), chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), and post-concussion syndrome (PCS). Headache (85%) and Dizziness (70-80%) are most commonly reported symptoms immediately following concussions for injured athletes [Flynn].“The National Center for Catastrophic Sports Injury Research in Chapel Hill, NC, reported 35 cases of Second-impact syndrome [SIS] among American football players from …show more content…

Between 11.5% and 13.5% of concussions of high school athletes are recurrent.” [Flynn]

In conclusion , a concussion is a blow to the head which can result in memory loss, brain damage, and confusion. If you play contact sports it’s important for you to protect your head from a concussion. Be aware of the symptoms of a concussion as it could lead to a traumatic brain injury.Too much physical or mental activity soon after a concussion can lead to a slow recovery. So, in the future, if you think you have a concussion, will you see doctor so you won’t get a brain injury that could last for a

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