
Confessions : Be Careful What You Say?

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Confessions: Be Careful What You Say There are a variety of mishaps that can result in a wrongful conviction. Innocence Project website (2013) contains a vast amount of information that deals with confessions and their effect in court cases. A confession is a vital piece of evidence that can be used to make or break a case. However, if the confession is not correctly given or produced, proper justice can be skewed. Aspects that surround a confession include the interrogation room, the persons involved in the confession, how the confession is produced, the fear surrounding the possible sentence, and the consistency or inconsistency of the information provided in the confession. A false confession is an admittance of guilt in a crime where …show more content…

Law and Human Behavior (2010) describes the three types of false confessions that are voluntary, coerced-compliant, and coerced-internalized (Kassin et al., 2010). Voluntary confessions are confessions of guilt by innocent people that are not a result of any external pressures. Voluntary false confessions can occur by a person’s desire for notoriety, a need of self-punishment, an inability to differ fact from fantasy, and the desire to protect the actual perpetrator (Kassin et al., 2010). Compliant confessions occur from pressure that is presented during the course of an interrogation. The source behind a compliant confession is the manipulation of their perception and decision-making by the police during interrogation so that they will eventually break and choose to not maintain innocence but rather confess because they are convinced it’s in their best interest (Kassin et al., 2010). Internalized confessions occur by a confession that is a result from psychological manipulation. During the interrogation process, the suspect will be presented false information of their involvement in the crime and be fed information, while their own memory of events is under constant attack. An internalized confession is produced by the

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