
Conflict Theory And Poverty

Decent Essays

A sociological imagination is the idea of how a personal experience can affect society as a whole. At some point a personal issue becomes a public issue. Conflict theory is the idea of competition over limited resources such as money. The theory is about domination and power rather than peace and cooperation. Those with power and wealth try to maintain that position by suppressing those without. The United States poverty is most easily explained by the conflict theory because in the US, the wealthy stay wealthy and the poor stay poor due to suppression.

The top 1% holds 38% of the wealth in the whole United States. The wealthy are usually parts of large corporations and have no problems raising prices. Raising prices largely affects those with little wealth and causes them to sink lower into poverty while rising prices is just another penny out of the pockets of the 1%. The wealthy bear children who grow up in wealth and stay in wealth. Those born into poverty tend to continue to stay in poverty, for the most part. The main reason for inequality when it comes to wealth is how much money creates opportunities to have more money. For example: Most people who have a decent amount of wealth are usually well educated because education is easier when you can afford it. Jobs that require a degree of higher education pay more than those that don’t. People without money tend to not afford to send their children to school so they can only get those lower paying jobs that don’t

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