
On Woman's Right To Suffrage, And

Decent Essays

Individuals have many roles in society- mother, father, husband wife, brother, sister, employer, employee, and so much more. However, we do not see individuals doing essentially the most important role,which is an informer. In today’s society, most people either do not choose to show wrongdoings of society or decide to ignore it. Some righteous individuals decide to adjudge the social norms and show them to society. These people display conformity- complying with what is “normal” or socially acceptable, uniformity-being unvaried or the same, and centralized control- concentration of power in a group or company. Throughout the texts Fast Food Nation by Eric Schussler, Susan B. Anthony’s On Woman’s Right To Suffrage, and Malala Yousafzai's …show more content…

Several examples included the hirings of the same types of workers, the same working conditions, the same working procedures. Eric Schussler decided that he would conduct research into what happens in the fast food industry. When discussing his purpose for writing the book, Schlosser states “By tracing the diverse influences of fast food I hope to shed light not only on the workings of an important industry but also on a distinctively American way of viewing the world.” (Fast Food Nation, page 9) Eric Schlosser has done extensive research on the fast food industry, more research than any American has ever done. He understands how fast -food companies like McDonald’s function, like only hiring low- skilled workers and getting their meat from the same place that is contaminated and filthy. Schlosser knows how McDonald’s manipulates children into getting their parents to buy their food by tempting them with toys. Not only has Schlosser decided not to conform and comply with the centralized control of the fast food industry, but he also wrote a book to inform people of what happens so that other people can make the decision not to participate in fast …show more content…

Anthony’s On Woman’s Right to Suffrage, she played a role in defying conformity because she decided to vote and to explain to everyone why she had every right to. Her response to not being allowed to vote was “ It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.” During this period, only wealthy , white men could vote, not women or anyone of a different race. Susan B. Anthony decided that she was no longer going to accept that and voted . She sent a message to the centralized power- rich, white men that women are entitled to vote. By taking this step, she inspired many other women to take a stand, and, eventually, women gained the right to vote. If Susan B. Anthony had not taken this step;people still would have conformed to society’s norms, and it would be entirely possible that women still would not have been able to

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