
Congress Review Act Analysis

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With Republican President, Donald Trump, and the Republican Party holding the majority of both chambers of the 115th Congress, passing environmental protection legislation doesn’t seem to be a priority (or even a thought). Not only are Congress and the President ignoring environmental protection, but they have also worked together to reverse current environmental protection regulations. Normally, repealing any form of legislation is a lengthy and challenging task. However, during the spring of 2017, the Legislative and Executive branches were able to quickly and easily get rid of two environmental protection rules. This ease of change definitively had do with the legislation being bureaucratic agency rules and laws. Though, not only were …show more content…

Additionally, the intent of the procedure is pretty pointless because the president could just override an agency rule. Though, because the tool is meant for Congress but has a road block of the presidency, this Congressional tool has barely left the toolbox. In fact, it has only worked one time before 2017 (Feller). However, since Trump was sworn into office, the CRA has resurfaced. When a political party takes over the Presidency with control of both Congressional chambers this device can be very affective. Because the CRA allows the 60 day disapproval window, many of Obama’s “midnight regulations” were at risk of being overturned. Specifically, in the Congress and Trump were able to roll back 14 out of the 15 Obama regulations that fell into the 60 day window (Larkin). The Stream Protection Act was one of these 14 disapprovals that was passed in the spring of 2017. In December of 2016, the Federal Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement issued a regulation requiring coal companies to monitor water quality near mines. Specifically, the rule established a buffer zone rule, blocking mining within 100 feet of streams. In general, the rule put stricter regulations on coal mining companies in efforts to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources (Feller). This rule was in effect for a very short period before the new President and Congress changed it. This rule disapproval was

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