
Connec Nursing Research Papers

Decent Essays

Nursing has been ranked as one of the most trusted professions in the world, but it goes far beyond just treating a patient’s disease and sending them home from the hospital. Nursing is about not only caring for patients’ physical needs but their physiological and spiritual needs as well. As Florence Nightingale said “nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive devotion” (Selanders). I think nursing is advocating for people when they cannot do so themselves or when they just need someone to advocate for their wishes and feelings. All patients including those in the hospital for only a short time to those that have been there for months and are terminal, should be advocated for and have their voices heard. Many nurses treat caring for patients as just a job and nothing else. They don’t try to …show more content…

As Florence Nightingale said “nurses are seen as advocates both when working to achieve desired patient outcomes and when patients are unable or unwilling to advocate for themselves” (Selanders). Advocating for patients allows nurses to have a deeper connection with patients and thus provide better care that is individualized. I think advocating for patients is vital in nursing because often we don’t see more than a disease and tend to make decisions for our patients about what is best for them, without actually hearing what the patient wants. The nurse can act as an objective patient advocate who expresses the patient wishes and has the best interest of the patient in mind. Nursing is about far more than treating someone and discharging them, “nursing was about restoration and promotion of health and it didn’t end with the patient” (Payne). It’s about seeing people as an individual beyond the disease, or situation. Nursing is providing patient education, and promoting wellness in everyone around

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