
Cons Of Cultural Relativism

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I. Description
Cultural relativism is the concept that morality is based upon culture, “[…] there are sometimes differing moral standards and practices in various cultures” (Hollinger, 2002, Kindle Locations 212-218). Morals are not universal, practices are accepted or rejected by the individual culture and change as the culture changes.
II. Critique
A. Pros of Cultural Relativism
1. Cultural relativism gives one a license to believe what they desire. They find a culture that suits their desires. Where they can remain unaffected by beliefs of the outside world.
2. As relative, by its very nature, implies flexibility people are drawn to formulate values from the flexibility. 3. A culture’s truth is their own, thereby creating their …show more content…

Cons of Cultural Relativism
1. Numerous value systems muddy the water and eventually dilutes morality as a whole. This approach prevents the internal dimension of our personal relationship with God. Our outward expression of the inward spirituality, the external dimension, is unattainable as we are not able to have a personal relationship with God without his moral system.
2. Morality assessments are typically based on a personal value system leaving little room for cultural diversity. The internal dimension is to be free of judgment and the external dimension is to love one another. If so, this requires cultures to be tolerant of all other cultures.
3. Relativism rejects universal morals. It does not acknowledge the basic principle of the external dimension, practiced morals from a Godly value system. That Godly value system can only come from the internal dimension.
4. A cultural moral system is accepted by those within their own culture. The culture does not concern itself with outside acceptance. Weakness in both the internal and external Christian framework is prevalent in this mindset. The culture models behavior without concern of consequences. This is opposite of what God modeled to mankind and what the Bible

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