
Constructivism And The Learning Theory

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Transfer of Learning: Constructivism
Constructivism is the learning theory that focuses on observation by acquiring data and thereafter reexamining, altering, and updating information to be useful in the present time. Humans process experiences, knowledge, and conception of life based on their impressions of their past. As individuals experience an unfamiliar event, they will attempt to integrate it with their knowledge and past, therefore replacing old outdated or incorrect data with new more pertinent information (Kerka, 1997). This learning theory states that learning is an ongoing process and not about merely comprehending available data without questioning, processing, and updating previously learned information (Allen, 2005). …show more content…

Thoroughly rooted within constructivism is situation learning. “Situated learning theory posits that learning is unintentional and satiated within authentic activity, context, and culture” (Lave, 1988, p. 157). Situated learning is the product of authentic activities undertaken under the guidance of expert practitioners situated in a culture of practice (Shulman, 1986).
Organizations can assist employees learn through constructivism, more specifically situated learning through cognitive apprenticeships. Studies show the greatest learning tool was to place employees in complicated, high-risk, and stressful situations with an experienced or seasoned employees to help guide the employee handle the situation without too much involvement. For example, new healthcare workers learn more effectively when they contemplate on the negative or positive acquired knowledge. “The philosophical position of academic education that learning to know is the most important with application coming later” (Kerka, 1997, p. 28).
The constructivism learning theory benefits teachers and students alike in several ways. One benefits is that students are given the opportunity to be involved in the learning process therefore find learning enjoyable and interesting rather than sitting, listening, and perhaps avoid learning. The same concept applies to employee training. When a trainee participates in the learning process he or she not only becomes eager and interested in the

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