
Contribution Of Vladimir Lenin

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To the Russian people Vladimir Lenin was an important historical figure and the creator of the Soviet System. Lenin was not always a radical revolutionary, but he transformed into one after reading the books that his older brother had in his library. Lenin’s older brother was executed as a radical by the regime which created an early hatred for the Tsar. Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik party and helped to rally support to the party even while in exile through the multiple pieces of writing that he produced. Lenin helped to promote the revolution in 1905 and was only stopped by the outbreak of World War One. While the tsarist Government survived the revolution in 1905 they would fail to do so in the February Revolution which occurred in 1917. After the Tsar fell a provisional government was set up which floundered and failed while Lenin and his Bolsheviks gained power. After being sent back to Russia by Germany, Lenin created his April Thesis which said that the power should be transferred to his soviet socialist party. At first, the Bolsheviks were a minority but by September 1917 they gained the majority and took the power from the provisional government in the October Revolution. After the Revolution, a civil war broke out between the Bolshevik Red army and the anti-Bolshevik White army. Which the Reds eventually won with the leadership of Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin. One of Lenin’s most important contributions to the soviet state was organizing a peace treaty

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