
Contributions Of Jean Jacques Rousseau

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Jean-jacques Rousseau was a one of many things, he was a writer of the “Age of Enlightenment” and Rousseau was also a French philosopher. Rousseau’s political philosophy of formulation of social contract also known as Contractarianism, strongly influenced the French Revolution and also the development of the Liberal, Conservative, and Socialist theories.

Jean-jacques Rousseau was born on June 28, 1712 he was born in the city-state of Geneva which was a protestant associate of the Swiss Confederacy. Geneva was a Huguenot republic, and the city was also on the seat of Calvinism. Geneva was governed by its male “citizens” but this is only in theory. The citizens of Geneva was a miniscule amount of the population of people that actually lived in Geneva which were immigrants the citizens of Geneva referred to the immigrants as “inhabitants”. They called their descendants “natives” even though the immigrant population continued to lack suffrage. Geneva wasn’t even run by its “citizens” instead the city was run by a small group of wealthy families which was dubbed the “Council of Two Hundred.” There was also another council called “The Little Council,” which was made up of twenty-five people. The larger council delegated their power to the “Little Council.” The city of Geneva was bursting with political debate even extending down all the way to the tradespeople. The discussions mainly focused on the sovereignty of the people and as well as how the ruling class was

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