
Controversial Policies : Abortion : A Controversial Issue

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Mohamed Beheiry Stundent ID: 100163591 English 1302 – fall semester 2016 Controversial Policies: Abortion Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in United States history. According to the Guttmacher Institute, since 1973, roughly 50 million legal induced abortions have been performed in the United States” (Guttmacher). There are many reasons why women choose to abort their child; they cannot afford a baby, they are too young, they have been raped, they have been pressured by family to go through with the operation, etc. However, regardless of these reasons, there is still a huge part of the population that is very strongly opinionated about being anti-abortion. Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo before viability. Abortion, when induced in the developed world in accordance with local law, is among the safest procedures in medicine. However, unsafe abortions result in approximately 47,000 maternal deaths and 5 million hospital admissions per year globally. An estimated 44 million abortions are performed globally each year, with slightly under half of those performed unsafely. The incidence of abortion has stabilized in recent years, having previously spent decades declining as access to family planning education and contraceptive services increased. Forty percent of the world 's women have access to legal induced abortions (within gestational limits). Induced abortion has a long history and

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