
Corporate Systems Area Of Humana

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I moved into the IT Corporate Systems area of Humana approximately five years ago. This area includes the Finance and Human Resources IT areas. The first project that I worked on upon moving into the area became my first failed project. The Director over the IT area was ultimately fired as a result of the project going very wrong and the loss of confidence in leadership by both business and IT leaders. The project was based on performing cost allocations of operational expenses within Humana. The IT Director had chosen a tool, without agreement from the business area, and had hired a consulting firm to implement the tool. The Finance business area had previously reviewed this tool and had stated that it did not meet their requirements. IT moved forward anyway and attempted to build the tool without Finance leadership approval. It was destined for failure from the start. The Finance business area repeatedly stated their desire to go in a different direction but IT continued to press ahead. After the project was cancelled, the senior leadership of IT had determined that new leadership was needed within the Corporate Systems space and after working as a project manager on the project I was asked to lead the teams that had been working on the failed project. To add another level of conflict, a reduction in force (RIF) had occurred at approximately the same time and the members of the Finance IT team felt that the team was excessively punished due to the number of people that

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