
Corporate Tax Rate In America

Satisfactory Essays

1. One of the major issues we are facing in the US economy is how much we should charge in regards to the corporate tax rate. Corporate tax rate is imposed by the government and determines how much a corporate business will pay in taxes at the end of the year. Trump plans on decreasing the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%. Out of the 34 countries in the OECD, America ranks first with a 39.1 percent corporate tax rate, compared to an OECD average of 24.1 percent. Along with trump, I think that we should reconsider the corporate tax rate. If we were to lower the rate than companies would have more money to spend and put back into our economy. Although I agree with Trump, there are several factors that affect this decision and there are many …show more content…

One measurable variable is tax deductions allow corporations to reduce the pool of taxable income. If the company utilizes all available tax deductions, they won’t have to pay as much in taxes at the end of the year. One of the deductions that varies is how generous the depreciation schedule is when a business does an investment. They don’t normally get to deduct the whole cost that year. They have to do it over time. Another variable is taxes are complex; different studies disagree on effective corporate tax rates because corporate tax rates tend to vary widely depending on the industry. It is hard to measure just how much we should charge because different industries require a different amount of product and money. The third variable that affects how we calculate the corporate tax income is many studies do not account for businesses that pay tax through the individual income-tax system rather than the corporate income-tax system. This makes it hard to calculate because these studies are not including all of the data in order to make a sound …show more content…

The fiscal policy that I suggest we use to address the problem is graduated corporate income. We should not determine the corporate tax rate as one concrete number. We should decide the rate based on how big the company is. The policy will state that the first $50,000 of a corporation’s profit is taxed at a 15% and will cap out at 35% for companies that make more than $335,000. Using this policy will make it so more small businesses will grow because they will not be taxed as much as a large company that can actually afford it.
5. The monetary policy I suggest we use is to increase the money supply and lower the cost of borrowing. I believe that this will affect how we calculate the corporate tax rate because if a company has an easier time getting a loan, and if they have access to more money, we can make the tax rate higher because they will have more money. The money that we get from taxing these corporations should be put back into the economy by the government. If we were to keep the tax rates higher we can use the extra money and put it into things such as; the building of roads, education, and

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