
Corporate Welfare Reform

Decent Essays

Since the creation of the United States, they loathed taxes, especially when the British taxed them without any representation. The United States anger towards taxes started the American Revolution; However, the United States needed some form of taxes to pay for the military. The military and several other things are what makes a country; however, there are some things that taxes pay for that should either be terminated or improved. A few things that taxes pay for does not contribute to the economy, instead, it costs the taxpayers excessive amount of tax money. In order for the country to decrease taxes or contribute to more education, security, and modern infrastructure, they need to terminate or improve the welfare and the war on drugs. …show more content…

If the United States are going to tax people, then they should tax everyone fairly. Corporate welfare can be as close to those, who shouldn't receive food stamps, or people like panhandlers, who pay no taxes for the money they receive. According to Citizens for Tax Justice, “American Fortune 500 corporations are avoiding up to $600 billion in U.S. federal income taxes by holding more than $2.1 trillion” of retained profits offshore, which they identify as “permanently reinvested” to stay away from a tax liability. Millionaires and Billionaires as well regularly pay less in taxes than a middle class American. Huffington Post states that millionaires and billionaires benefit from tax loopholes, deductions, deferrals and other types of accounts. This show’s corruptness and unfairness because the 1 percent continues to profit while the 99 percent pay most of all the taxes. The 99 percent of the people struggle to pay the bills while the 1 percent worries about what sports car they will buy next. In addition, when Wall Street fails, the taxpayers have to pay for their damages. For example, Millions of taxpayers lost their jobs due to the 2008-2009 Wall Street collapse, yet they are unwilling to pay additional taxes to pay for education and healthcare for the people who bailed them out. The United States should eliminate corporate welfare until they agree …show more content…

This is a setback for many things that can move the American people forward. The United States contains 2.3 million people behind bars. According to CNN, more than half a million of those people are incarcerated for drug violation. In this situation, instead of benefitting from taxing drugs, the United States are losing tax money on fighting drugs and putting people in jail. CNN states that if the Untied States were to tax the drugs, then they can receive about 46.7 billion in tax revenue and they will save $41 billion a year by legalizing drugs. Laws will not stop people from taking drugs, for example, when the United States made alcohol illegal, people still drank even after there was a law. Currently, there are drugs that are legal that if a human were to consume the right amount, then it can kill them rapidly or even slowly. Liberty is a great representation of American values where everyone has the right to pursue their happiness. For some people, that is to consume drugs or sell them. Nobody is forcing anybody to consume drugs. Drugs are an option. CNN also states that the United States spends 30,000 a year to incarcerate an inmate while they only spend 11,665 per public school student. So if they were to put that money towards the education system, then they can have more children educated on drugs and the consequences they will have. In addition, the taxpayers will be happy to know that

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