
Corruption Within The New York Police Department

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Corruption within the New York Police Department is a quickly growing phenomenon; to an extent, this is largely due to the cop culture that encourages silence and draws the line at honesty. The good, honest officers are afraid to speak up against co-workers and in the process become corrupt themselves. When police departments were first established in the mid-nineteenth century, corruption quickly followed suit. It began with minor acts of misconduct and today deals with serious criminal activities. Scholars have noted that there is a strong correlation between the officers taking part in corrupt acts and officers wanting to fit in with the culture. In this paper, I argue that the deeper an officer in the New York police department gets into the police culture, the more likely it is that they become involved in narcotic corruption When a figure of authority – such as a police officer - abuses their power, they are involving themselves in acts of misconduct. If an officer abuses their power in return for personal gain, then they are involving themselves in corrupt conduct (Farlex, 2008). Personal gains would be making a profit or obtaining other benefits through illegal ways such as bribery, selling drugs, stealing, and extortion. Within the police department, acts of misconduct and corruption take the form of procedural, criminal, and unconstitutional violations (Farlex, 2008). Procedural is a form of misconduct occurring when officers go against the rules and regulations

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