
Cost Performance on Project S Often Poor, What Are the Possible Causes of This and How Can It Be Improved?

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‘’Cost performance on project s often poor, what are the possible causes of this and how can it be improved?’’

The cost planning is one of important phases for project management. It will goes through whole project’s life cycle. It is foundation of project and it will tell the project are measured, reported and controlled in every process. Estimating is the process of forecasting or approximating the time and cost of completing project deliverables.
A successful project management will include time control and cost planning. Accompany with these two important features, and then bring out the best quality project.
Causes of poor cost performance
According to many decades’ records, Morris et al. (1989) has researched more …show more content…

In project management, contract almost related with every level of project, such as material buying, price negotiation, customer service and payments. Supplier is another important role in project management. If contractor could give a appropriate contact to supplier, it will helps on build stable relationship, with supplier, even more, it could bargain with price of materials. However, if contract not finish at each single phases of project, it will increase negotiation time, which means definitely time delay and cost overruns. With decent contract management of project, it will simply to avoid such fundamental problems. Another explanation for contract error is worker. Human resource is also important for basic project proceeding, and it has been included in contract management as well. Similarly, all potential possibilities need considered by manager. “careful consideration need to be finished when forming the initial contract, for about what might occur during its operation, this will guarantee that things are included in the contract documents that enable effective contract management”(OGC 2010)

Mega project management
Complexity could another reason for bad cost performance. The most of mega project, such as project Comanche, could be defined as complexity. When estimating mega project, it always will be affected by some errors, for instance inflation, exchange rates, change

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