
Count Orlok Nosferatu Expressionism

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Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauen, is a german expressionist horror film that takes its roots from Bram Stoker’s Dracula. While being an adaptation of Stoker’s work, the films main anti-hero is seperate ways. Dracula is suave while Count Orlok is depicted as a monster would be imagined. Orlok is seen as decrepit and much more frightenting. This adds a sense of realism in that he is a monster and acts as such.
The film is simmilar to The Cabinet of Dr.Caligari. It is simmilar because the are expressionist films, and not because they are soundless and in greyscale. The transition period after World War I created Germany’s expressionist film industry. The feelings of horror and despair that most of the country felt after the war were projected onto this art style. …show more content…

Blue symbolized the dark nights, where Count Orlok would spend most of his screen time active. Red symbolized the bright days, in which there were an abundance of people moving around, and finnaly the dissentrigation of the Count. The symbolism in film went much further than that as well. Where the scenes using low-key lighting implied great evil, such as the shadowy figure of the Count in his castle as it became night. Scenes with high-key lighting symbolized good, such as when Ellen is baiting Orlok.
A reccuring type of camera shot was the low angel shot that Count Orlok framed in. It made his figure seem much more ominious and dangerous. He seemed much more lanky and when he would stare into the camera, it would drive a sense of fear into the watcher.
Sound in the film was used to set the mood of scenes quite well. In the more relaxed parts,there would be an upbeat melody. In the morbid scenes with Orlok, the music would be in a hurried pace, almost seeming like itself was trying to escape from the

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