
To Kill A Mockingbird Essay On Real Courage

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“... I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see through it not matter what” (Lee, 11). This book is a story about two siblings that experienced many things throughout the whole book, most of them hard and new to them, but at the end, they assimilated to face these things. Their father, Atticus, was a lawyer who did everything at his hands to always do the right thing, and as a result of that, Jem and Scout met several circumstances that other kids weren’t exposed to and they learned to forgive and and appreciate others the way they are. Compassion and forgiveness are perceptible in this book and appreciable things like Camellias, and Red Geraniums can represent such strong emotions. The author of his novels was Harper Lee. Lee was born April 28, 1926, in Monroeville, Alabama, the youngest of four children (three girls and a boy) born to Amasa Coleman Lee and Francis Cunningham Finch Lee (Shmoop). For most of Lee 's life, her mother suffered from mental illness, rarely leaving the house. It is believed that she may have had bipolar disorder (Shmoop). In 1944, Lee left home for Huntingdon College, a women 's school in Alabama, where she joined a sorority (Shmoop). She attended three colleges, studied law, and was briefly an exchange student at Oxford, but she received no degrees (“Harper”). In 1960, Lippincott published

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