
Courage and Moral Leadership

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Courage and Moral Leadership

Dr. Alvin Lee
Strayer University

Analyze the qualities that mirror courage and moral leadership in the leader, and document those qualities (moral traits) as discussed by Daft (2010) (Chapter 6: Courage and Moral Leadership). Martin Luther King, Jr. was the mirror image of a moral and courageous leader. Dr. King upheld his morality principles as well as set examples for his followers. Dr. King had special virtues in which he lived and they was love, courage, hope amongst others. " Love, courage, hope, non conformity, and impatience were embodied in the sit-ins, boycotts, and marches, in which King himself was often a participant" (Rice 2004). Dr. King wanted his followers to be …show more content…

He believed that “God led King (him) to conclude that the worth of individuals is simply part of the given ness of creation" (Large 1991). Raking had a theory of non-violence in which he applied to every part of his movement in an attempt to bring peace to both sides and not agitate the situation. According to research King believed "nonviolence is bi-directional. It seeks to change the character of the oppressor to include a broader vision of humanity"(Large 1991 para 15).
Identify any mistakes that this leader may have made for which that he/she accepted responsibility; explain what the leader (should have) learned from these mistakes. During the Civil Rights movement J. Edgar Hoover wire tapped phone conversations of M.L.K accusing him of being a black nationalist and having connections with communist while in the midst of spying they uncovered that King was involved with several women. For him to be a devoted Christian adultery is seen as a violation of the 10 Commandments which is a sin. The FBI sought to defame Dr. King and make it be known that he was a hypocritical leaders with the hopes that he would step down from his position. They used this information to attempt to blackmail him from accepting Noble Peace Prize and making speeches. Dr. King even though he knew he had done a horrible wrong in the eyes of God refused to partake in their charades and continued on his journey of

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