
Criminal Behavior And The Lack Of Education

Decent Essays

Criminal behavior is something that affects everyone, even if you don’t particularly engage in the act itself. Every time a crime is committed, we often find ourselves wondering what led that person to do that crime. We wonder why they did it because it is something that we could never do, so therefor we cannot fathom the act of engaging in criminal activity. Some people feel that people only engage in it just because they lack the thing that they try to steal or because of their specific background and race. In actuality, there is a link between criminal behavior and the lack of education. However there is also a link between the attainment of education and criminal behavior. There are several ways that theories suggest the affect that education can have on decisions that a criminal may make beforehand. According to chapter seven (Conformity, Deviance, and Crime) of the textbook Introduction to Sociology, functionalist theories along with Emile Durkheim and his concept of an anomie, which is a situation where social norms loose their hold over individual behavior gives us insight into the struggle between education and criminal behavior. “Functionalist theories see crime and deviance resulting from structural tensions and a lack of moral regulation.” (Page 172) Students dropping out of school and coming from difficult backgrounds is seen as a norm within society. Due to their being a failure to try and alter these things, students seek comfort elsewhere. As a result,

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